Tuesday, February 9, 2021

❣️Blooming Hearts❣️


❣️Blooming Hearts❣️

Happy Tuesday Academy of Westhaven Families! I hope that you are all doing well, and are enjoying the month of February so far..It has always been one of my favorite times of the year. Who doesn’t love a whole month to celebrate the ones that we love?

 Our week has been full of fun Valentines Day themed activities and snacks. Today we had a blast with the Blooming Hearts activity. My favorite thing about watching the littles learn each day is that “Aha moment” when they finally master a skill that they have been working on or when they learn something new. We had several of those during today’s activity and it was like magic. We had a great time with this fun science activity. The littles were able to conduct experiments and make predictions on how each Blooming Heart was going to “bloom”. This was easily one of our favorite activities and one we will definitely be doing again. Check out the fun below! 

Why are some fun Valentines Day activities that you enjoy doing with your littles? 