Monday, February 1, 2021

Wacky Tacky Day


Wacky Tacky Day!

Happy Monday Academy of Westhaven Families! I can't believe how quickly the month of January has flown by. We are starting February in the best way possible, with Wacky Tacky day of course! 

The entire day was full of giggles as everyone arrived in their attire for the day. The littles had an absolute blast coming to school in the silliest outfit combinations that they could think of...All of our fantastic teachers couldn't help but join in on the fun too! We decided to have a little fun with it and give the wackiest-tackiest teacher a prize. 

We love any excuse for a dress up day here at AOW but I've got to say, this was one of the most fun we have had. 

What were some of your favorite dress up days when you were growing up?